I didn't call the police. I was on base. I was 18. I was drunk. He was a Marine. And had I gone to the police he would have been subject to military court and the last thing in the world I wanted to do was face other Marines for my fate. Not his fate. Because I knew how that would go.
OK Stupid!
Why I Despise the term "Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor"
My Story but Not My Ending
Abuse of Power
Sexual Abuse, Suicide and Loosing a Child
Statutory Rape at 13- Speak Up & Speak Out- You are Beautiful and It's ok!
After Hours Party Hostage
Sexual Assault Takes On Many Forms
Sweet Sixteen and Never Been Kissed
A Little Girl Named Joey
"I had a dream as a little girl that I would one day grow up, meet my Prince Charming, have a family, live in a beautiful house with rolling green pastures, white fence with beautiful horses. That dream never happened, instead I wake up every day to the same nightmare in disbelief that this is my life."