Leslie Rubio January 17, 2018 Assault, acquaintance rape, Rape Social Date Rape Leslie Rubio January 17, 2018 Assault, acquaintance rape, Rape I was in shock, but I couldn't stop what was happening to me. I was no longer a willing participant.
Leslie Rubio December 20, 2017 Assault, Domestic Violence, Rape, Sexual Assault My Story but Not My Ending Leslie Rubio December 20, 2017 Assault, Domestic Violence, Rape, Sexual Assault I was raped from the time I was 10 years old until the age of 18 by my mothers boyfriend at the time.
Leslie Rubio December 15, 2017 Childhood Trauma, Assault Why I Waited 40 Years to Write This Leslie Rubio December 15, 2017 Childhood Trauma, Assault I am 54. I am strong. I am educated. I have never spoken publicly about the sexual assaults of my teenage years and the many predators I encountered.