I didn't call the police. I was on base. I was 18. I was drunk. He was a Marine. And had I gone to the police he would have been subject to military court and the last thing in the world I wanted to do was face other Marines for my fate. Not his fate. Because I knew how that would go.
Social Date Rape
Lost Child
My Story but Not My Ending
Statutory Rape at 13- Speak Up & Speak Out- You are Beautiful and It's ok!
The Pain of Surviving
I was told I was ugly, stupid, dumb and would never amount to anything. I was mocked, bullied, laughed at and ridiculed by him; a person I was supposed to trust. He NEVER told me that he loved me, and I was never offered any emotional support by him. There was no love at all.
He beat my dog so badly that she spent all night digging under the fence to escape her abuse. She ran away. I don't blame her; I would have done the same if I could have.
Rape And Its Legacy
I Loved Him
Sexual Assault Takes On Many Forms
A Little Girl Named Joey
"I had a dream as a little girl that I would one day grow up, meet my Prince Charming, have a family, live in a beautiful house with rolling green pastures, white fence with beautiful horses. That dream never happened, instead I wake up every day to the same nightmare in disbelief that this is my life."